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precious mew by. ruth niemiec

Iridescent spur’s,

soft purr’s in the moonlight

bathe in dust

and tall grass

Eyes like saucers

yolk and sharp

Summer dusk,

we lay lazy,

I watch your paws

pressed into the soft dirt,

you sweep your tail

One of a dozen,

I picked you or

did you pick me?

Small, all bones,

teeth and fur,

baby face

a perfect mess

We made our little home

together in a one room flat

it was a tomb before you came

Then came your sister

runt of the litter

badly behaved

Precious two,

I owe you.


Written by. Ruth Niemiec

Painting by. Childe Hassam (After Breakfast, 1890)

Ruth (she/her) is a writer of non-fiction, fiction and poetry in English and Polish. She received her BA with a major in Professional Writing from Victoria University. Her latest work has recently appeared in Dumbo Feather (aus), Mamamia (aus), ABC Everyday (aus) Neon Literary Magazine (uk), Coffee People (us), Parliament (us) and Rhodora (in). Ruth also reads creative non-fiction for literary publications; Catatonic Daughters and Kitchen Table Quarterly. She doesn't wish to own a Tesla and has two cats and has managed to keep a veggie patch alive for the first time this year.



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