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i remember by. nainika chaudhari

i remember

your hand in mine

our fingers intertwined

your laugh,

as we ran through the streets

i remember

the exhilaration

the freedom

the street lights blinking,

in tune with our heart beats

i remember

the scent of you

the lavender perfume I got for your birthday

mixed with the smoke of hidden cigars

i remember

the sounds

the noise

the fear in your eyes

(how are they so beautiful?)

the honking cars, your scream

the silence

i remember.


Nainika is a teen girl hoping to make her place in the world with her words. She reads excessively, flaunts shamelessly, and loves openly. Her dream is to live in a little cottage in the woods with a huge library and 5 cats. Currently, she's just in her bed dreaming.

Painting by. Henri Martin (Young Woman in Vigne Vierge Rouge)

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