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cherrycore: epilogue


SECTION FOUR: a winter home

Tonight, I will find a winter home for me. A place that does not sing buried stories. A place where sour cherries won’t be disliked. A place which still gives love despite everything it went through. A place that will be stronger than me / who broke apart/never found love / and stopped looking for it. A place which will find love inside itself so I will never have to walk in the empty restaurants. A place where winters wouldn’t exist and cherry candies make themselves in the hearth for me. A place where I will forget all my stories that make me cry to sleep. A place where the room travels to all my dreams, one day at a time. A place who I won’t be afraid to call home. I will find a new winter home among this forest of curses.

I have wandered long enough in this glass walled world. I will find a home under a cherry tree so beautiful that it becomes like me.

A cherry tree pink and white and green that everyone would want to sit with for comfort.

A cherry tree in the middle of the bustling cities reminding you to love.

A cherry tree which will bear fruits but won’t be eaten by anyone.

A cherry tree that gives flowers but doesn’t let anyone in.

A cherry tree finding all the love and giving it wholly in parts.

A cherry tree that stands alone in the sun to grow itself.

A cherry tree that remembers nothing, that will watch people going on about their ordinary days, the towers growing taller, the trees that stopped growing and bid their goodbyes.

It won’t remember because the cherry tree is too precious and charming for tears.

I will become a cherry tree in my next life if I don’t find my winter home tonight.

It will be alright then.

I will give love and know what it is like to be able to find a loving home within myself.

[The Weeping Cherry Tree: An ornamental poisonous tree which grows weeping leaves towards the ground instead of growing upright. It produces clusters of white and pink flowers fully only during spring, turning to green for the summers before changing to a bright yellow in fall leaving the tree bare in winters. It grows to a huge size of 20-30 feet offering a homely shade for people to sit in and can grow periwinkle, raspberries underneath it. It flowers fully in spring and produces inedible berries in summer. The sourness of the berries make it unfit for consumption. It is poisonous for animals but makes for a great adornment.]

We carry our destiny to our next lives too. How do we break out of this cherrycore?


Special Edition. Contributers’ Compilation

Painting by. Holly Warburton



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